Mindset, Perspective & Skillsets that Boosts all areas of Life.
To aim for the top in all areas of your life, you must Aim For The Middle of thought & behavior spectrums.
-- Dotty Gevers
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Dotty Gevers
The more sh*t you've been through,
the more you learn. We were meant to pass on those lessons in order
to help others.

Aim for the Middle™ of the
extremes of thought & behavior spectrums to excel in all areas of your life!
Aim For The Middle theory coaches how to identify thought and behavior patterns along spectrums of extremes to find balance.
Many of these imporant topics that are typically only taught to hostage negotiators, counselors, corporate team building retreats, counseling, court-mandated classes, however these concepts and techniques should be embedded into the curriculum in every grade of school so people do not spend decades being miserable or making others miserable!

Happy, Healthy Dating & Relationships
Interpersonal Communication
Conflict Resolution
Perspective Taking
Empathy Training
Questioning Negative Thoughts About Yourself & Others
Recognizing Mental Health R
ed Flags
Recognizing Unhealthy Thought and Behavior Patterns
Changing Unhealthy Thought and Behavior Patterns
Breaking Addictive Behaviors, including Dopamine
Toxic People & Situations
Crisis Management
How to Leave Unhealthy Relationships
Finding Healthy Partners
Mental Health Red Flags
Depression & Anxiety Healing
Medical & Alternative Therapies & Medical Advocacy
Executive Functioning Skills for Personal Effectiveness
Motivation for Long Term Goals
Employee-Employer Challenges & Resolutions
Healthy Parenting & Parent-Child Relationships
Dotty's Journey to the Middle
Having grown up in 7 homes/families before age 8, and having been a nanny in dozens of homes in the
East Coast & the Midwest, and due to being an INTJ personality, Dotty became a mini-sociologist who became adept at analyzing environments and noticing patterns in cultures and interpersonal dynamics. It came naturally to her survival skill for adaptability in ever changing environments
Her Bachelor's in Education and Grad School studies in Social Work consisted mostly of organizational leadership, psychology, sociology, the way people think and learn & performing developmental and psychosocial assessments, and forming individualized educational plans to cater to the way they learn best. She furthered her skills in training via her experiences with group homes and assisted living with forming monthly assessments, goal plans and activities to boost socioemotional skills as well as executive functioning skills to improve lives.
Then she had a revelation! "What if we used these same methods with neurotypical people - We could produce SUPER HUMANS or at least improve people's interactions so they can live more peacefully." She used these methods as a Professional Nanny and documented their amazing progress. Over time, she became an expert on boosting Emotional Intelligence, & interpersonal communication to enhance the live of atypical and neurotypical people while enhancing her own life as well!
These techniques of pattern and trigger recognition, self control, communication, perspective, empathy, conflict reslolution, crisis management, and executive functioning skills have been proven to boost people's life happiness in any and all areas of life for over 30 years.
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